What to Do When Your HVAC Unit Turns Into a Winter Wonderland

Winter brings its own set of challenges, and one unexpected issue many homeowners face is their HVAC unit freezing over. It's an odd sight—icicles where you'd least expect them. But don't worry, as there's plenty you can do to melt away the problem and prevent future freeze-ups.

Why Does the HVAC Unit Freeze Up?

Before you can tackle the ice, you need to understand why your HVAC unit is more snow queen than a warm breeze. Airflow, or the lack thereof, is a common villain in this frosty tale. A frozen outdoor AC unit in winter often signals that air filters need changing or ducts require a professional look-see. Snow and debris are no friends of your HVAC, either, reducing airflow and leading to an outside AC unit freezing up in winter.

Using the wrong filter can strangle your system just as much as a dirty one. Moreover, when parts fail or malfunction, moisture that should be elsewhere accumulates and freezes. Regular maintenance is your shield against these icy foes.

How to Fix a Freezing AC Unit

So, your outside unit is freezing up in winter. What now? First, resist the urge to douse it in hot water. This quick fix can cause more problems than it solves. Instead, start with the basics:

1. Check the air filter. A clogged filter can be the root of many HVAC woes, including a frozen AC unit outside in winter.

2. Next, inspect the condensing fan and blower motor. Dust and debris here can hamper airflow, leading to frosty coils. And don't forget about your vents; these need to breathe freely to prevent an AC unit from freezing up outside in winter.

3. Low refrigerant levels are another common culprit. Ensure your system has enough of this vital fluid, and watch out for leaks—a sign you need professional help.

Keeping the Cold at Bay With Preventive Tips

Prevention is your best defense against an outside HVAC unit frozen in winter. Here are some tips:

1. Regularly changing AC components, such as air filters, is an easy and effective step.

2. Keep the fan and the area around your outdoor unit clear of debris to ensure smooth operation.

3. Closing vents might seem like a good idea for saving energy, but it can lead to trouble, including freeze-ups.

4. Condenser coils, especially on outdoor units, need regular cleaning to fend off debris that could lead to inefficiency or damage.

Nothing beats a professional inspection to catch potential problems before they turn your HVAC system into a block of ice. If you are struggling with a frozen HVAC unit, contact Moncrief Heating & Air Conditioning. We are the leading HVAC company in Atlanta, offering expert repair and maintenance services.