Find Your Ideal Winter Thermostat Setting with This Guide

Woman Sitting Comfortably After Adjusting The Thermostat To The Perfect Temperature

Winter is coming! And with winter comes chilly temperatures that can make your home uncomfortable. One way to combat the cold is to adjust your thermostat settings.

Reading and understanding the thermostat display can take time and effort. Still, once you know how to adjust your thermostat settings correctly, you'll be able to keep a home comfortable even on the coldest days.

Read more: A Beginner's Guide To Reading A Thermostat.

But what are the proper thermostat settings for winter? And how do you find your ideal temperature? We will answer those questions and guide you to find the perfect thermostat setting for winter.

1. Consider the Climate

Icy and cold climates require higher thermostat settings than milder climates. It takes extra energy to keep your home warm in freezing temperatures. In general, summertime thermostat settings should be set between 73-78 degrees Fahrenheit, while winter temperature settings should range between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Consider the Type of Heating System

Some types of heating systems include:

a) Forced air systems –

These are typically fueled by natural gas or heating oil and use a fan to blow the hot air throughout your home.

b) Radiators or other baseboard heaters –

These systems run on electricity or hot water.

c) Heat pumps –

Similar to an AC unit, these can cool and heat your home depending on the season.

When setting the ideal thermostat temperature for winter, it's essential to consider how your heating system works. This is because different systems will require different temperatures to heat your home efficiently. For instance, if you have a forced air system, you may want to set the thermostat to 68°F, whereas if you have a heat pump system installed, you should aim for a temperature of around 70°F.

3. Consider the Insulation in Your Home

The insulation and drafts in your home also need to be considered when setting the ideal thermostat temperature for winter. You can lower your thermostat to around 18 degrees Celsius overnight if you have good insulation and a few drafts. However, if cracks and drafts are in your home's insulation, keeping the temperature a few degrees higher is best to prevent chilly temperatures at night.

4. Use a Programmable Thermostat

Some features of a programmable thermostat can optimize your home’s temperature throughout the day. A programmable thermostat allows you to adjust your home's temperature according to a preset schedule. The most common feature is adjusting temperatures at night when people typically sleep in warmer rooms and during the day when they are away from home or work. This type of system allows you to set temperatures for the day and night. During the colder winter months, you can program your thermostat to keep the home at a comfortable temperature throughout the day and lower it when you're away or asleep.

5. Schedule Regular Servicing and Maintain Your System

To keep the heating and cooling system running optimally this season, it's essential to schedule routine maintenance services with a professional HVAC technician. During these maintenance visits, the technician will inspect your system, make any necessary repairs or adjustments, and test all components to ensure they are working correctly. They'll also check the air filters and replace them if needed.

Moncrief offers heating repairs in Atlanta. We understand how important it is to keep your home comfortable during winter.