Explaining Static Pressure in HVAC Systems

Explaining Static Pressure in HVAC Systems

HVAC systems are actually marvels of modern invention. They have several components that work in harmony using physics, geometry, and other natural forces to cool your home effectively.

However, that being said, it can be confusing if you're not an HVAC expert. So let's talk about something called static pressure in your HVAC system. We'll also talk about how it affects your unit.

Static Pressure in HVAC

What is static pressure? This is the resistance that your heating and cooling equipment goes up against when it tries to push air throughout your home. Aside from that, it's a useful metric when measuring how well your HVAC in Atlanta is performing.

In fact, you may not know that it is the root cause of a lot of HVAC problems in homes, especially when it comes to ductwork. Many times, you can improve your HVAC performance by having the proper level of HVAC static pressure.

So when you understand this parameter right, you'll be able to lower your cooling bills and feel more comfortable at the same time.

More on HVAC Static Pressure

Understand that static pressure is when your HVAC unit pushes air through the ducts in your house that's greater than the intensity of the static pressure. In other words, the standing air pressure within that system needs to be overridden by the power of your AC unit.

If your AC unit isn't powerful or working well enough to do that, then the air won't be distributed correctly. So if your air duct and static pressure is working correctly, then the air will be clean, cool or warm depending on your settings.

It also lets your air filter perform its job better. There will be fewer dust particles, allergens and germs in the air.

How You Can Measure HVAC Static Pressure

HVAC static pressure has a certain range that it needs to be in. If it falls outside of that range, then it means that your heating and cooling unit won't work correctly. In order to evaluate it, have a professional HVAC tech come out.

They can drill tiny test ports and then use a manometer within your ductwork. They'll measure the static pressure in terms of inches per water column. This is a related concept to PSI. Ideally you should have 0.5 WC. However anything less than 0.9 WC and you're still probably okay.

In other words, the higher the value, the lower the air flow is. That's how to tell if you have static pressure problems in your HVAC system.

Too Low or High Static Pressure in HVAC - Signs

There are several things that can alert you to having a static pressure problem. Let's talk about some of the most common issues that people face.

Your HVAC system is noisy

If you have a noisy heating and cooling unit, then it could mean that you have HVAC high static pressure. The decreased airflow will cause the blower motor to have to work harder.

Obviously, this means it'll make louder noises. So if you seem to hear a motor making noises running at max speed, then it means that you might have an issue that is worth repairing.

Your energy bills are higher

If your static pressure is off, then obviously your AC unit will have to work harder to push the same amount of cool air through your vents. The same goes for your heater. So if you notice a sudden jump in your monthly utilities, this is something to call an expert for.

It could be a telltale warning sign of high static pressure in HVAC systems.

Your heating and cooling is uneven

If you have certain hot or cold spots in your HVAC system, then that means that some areas are getting too much air while others are not getting enough. Many times this comes from a lack of proper circulation. Ultimately, the culprit tends to be static pressure.

What Can Cause Static Pressure Problems In Your Ductwork?

You should have preventative HVAC maintenance by a proven company in your area. They can test your static pressure. They can understand where the air resistance is happening and then correct the problem so that you can enjoy comfortable cool air again.

There are some things that can cause this problem that you should know about:

Your air returns are not big enough

If your air intake is not big enough, then it can cause a static pressure issue. Your air return brings in air from surrounding rooms and puts it into the unit. Your blower motor will have to work harder if you don't have large enough returns.

It can also cause an issue with circulation of your refrigerant. This can be an expensive and costly breakdown. So you should have a heating and cooling expert consult you on the best path forward in this case.

A small or dirty coil

If the refrigerant coil is not carrying the heat and turning it into cool air, then it's ultimately going to make the entire unit work more poorly. If it's dirty with dust or debris, then it can restrict the airflow and not provide the right static pressure.

Air filters are clogged

You should replace your filters every several months. Dirt and other particles can get trapped in it. This ultimately affects your circulation and air vent duct work.

Have the HVAC Pros Help You Today

If you think that you might have too high or low static pressure, then it's not something you should wait for. You should call out professional heating and cooling technicians today in your area.

They can evaluate the readings of your static air pressure. From there they can provide the proper maintenance, repair or replacement that you need. That way you continue enjoying the right levels of heating and cooling no matter what the season is.