Common Winter Furnace Problems

Common winter furnace problems

The furnace is a crucial part of a comfortable home in winter. It helps maintain a warm atmosphere in the house by heating the air and distributing it evenly. But unfortunately, like all machines, a furnace can develop problems over time due to regular use or even lack of maintenance.

Financing your heating system helps to stay warm and cozy during winter.


Understanding the furnace issues and how to fix them before they happen is essential. Here are five of the most common winter furnace problems and how you can fix them:

1) Problems With the Pilot Light

The pilot light is the flame that ignites the main burner of your furnace. If this light goes out, your furnace won't work. Various issues, such as clogged air filters or inadequate gas to the pilot light, can cause this problem. You should check the air filter and examine the gas supply line to see if the pilot light is getting enough fuel. If the filter needs to be replaced, use only manufacturer-approved parts.

2) Problems With the Thermostat

The thermostat controls when your furnace turns on and off, so if it's faulty, your furnace won’t operate properly. Check the thermostat's accuracy using a thermometer and compare the two readings. If your thermostat is inaccurate, adjust the calibration or replace it if needed. Additionally, check to ensure that the thermostat is set to “heat” mode and that all energy-saving settings are off.

Other potential problems with a thermostat include:

  • Battery problems
  • Dirty filters
  • Malfunctioning blower fans
  • Temperature swings between on and off cycles.

If you have any issues, try cleaning the thermostat's sensors or replacing the batteries. If none of those solutions work, it may be time to replace your thermostat.

3) Clogged or Dirty Filter

Dirty air filters are one of the common causes of furnace short cycling. The filter captures dust and dirt particles that would otherwise clog the blower fan and other components in your system, causing it to overheat. Check the filter every month during winter to ensure it isn't clogged, and replace it as needed. If you still need to change the filter, consider replacing it with a high-efficiency filter to improve your system's performance and reduce energy bills.

Some reasons for a clogged filter include the following:

  • Pet dander
  • Dust
  • Hair and lint
  • Debris from the outside air

Call a furnace repair specialist if you have trouble removing a clogged filter. They can determine the cause of the blockage and make necessary repairs to get the furnace back up and running.

4) Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that is fatal if inhaled. Faulty furnaces may leak carbon monoxide, so it's essential to get the system inspected and regularly serviced to avoid any potential issues. Signs of a carbon monoxide leak include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Breathing difficulty

If you detect any of these signs, evacuate the premises immediately and call an HVAC technician for assistance. They can check leaks and suggest repairs to ensure your system is safe.

Call Moncrief for expert HVAC repair in Roswell. We know the importance of keeping your home comfortable and safe during those cold winter nights. Our experts are here to help you with all your heating needs.